What type of approach do you use?


I combine both western herbal medicine with integrative nutrition when working with clients.

Western herbal medicine (aka. botanical medicine, phytotherapy, herbalism, etc.) is a modern form of herbal medicine that integrates the latest in modern science with traditional western herbal medicine as practiced in North America (e.g. Eclectic, Physiomedicalist & Thompsonian) and Europe (e.g. Greek & Roman).  Additionally, my approach incorporates concepts & approaches from various traditional medicinal systems of the world (e.g. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Ayurveda, Unani-Tibb, Cherokee).

Integrative nutrition takes a holistic approach to using whole foods and nutrition to affect your health.

For example, in my practice I review blood work from a functional perspective combined with traditional tongue assessment. The blood work may uncover functional gastrointestinal imbalances, which may also show up in the tongue. This approach marries traditional & modern assessment techniques, leading to better outcomes.

I predominantly use herbs from North America & Europe, however, I leverage Ayurvedic, Chinese & Latin American herbs where appropriate. In all, I work with close to 350 herbs, allowing me to choose the right set herbs for the right person. Additionally, I incorporate nutrition and lifestyle assessment approaches.

Integrative Health Practitioner | Herbalist | Nutritionist
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